After a lot of research I had finally settled for Honda City ZX (Gxi) Anniversary edition with alloys. Its been almost three months since I have been driving the car and touchwood have no problems with the car as is expected from a Honda product. The mileage is excellent, AC supereffective and the drive is real smooth and noiseless.
Unfortuenately the same cannot be said about my experience with getting the car serviced. The first service for the same was due on end April which I took the car to Ring Road Honda (Sugoi Motors), Moti Nagar in almost a brand new condition. I was shocked to receive the car in a dirty condition with all the beige interiors, seat covers being soiled. Had to get the same cleaned in front of my eyes with assurances that this would not happening wasting more than an hour of my time. This was definitely not expected from Honda.
Unfortuenately the same cannot be said about my experience with getting the car serviced. The first service for the same was due on end April which I took the car to Ring Road Honda (Sugoi Motors), Moti Nagar in almost a brand new condition. I was shocked to receive the car in a dirty condition with all the beige interiors, seat covers being soiled. Had to get the same cleaned in front of my eyes with assurances that this would not happening wasting more than an hour of my time. This was definitely not expected from Honda.
Neverthelss I took my car for second service to Ring Road Honda (Sugoi Motors), Moti Nagar, New Delhi (My second mistake, if i do that again I could probably write a book like "The Three Mistakes Of My Life"), on 22nd June 2008 and this time was for a real big shock. In addition to the seats and interiors being more dirty there were a couple of big scratches in the bumper of the car which were not present before i took the car for service (and the same can be verified on the job sheet where they mark all the scratches). When i brought it to the notice of the concerned people they told me to bring the car another day as it will take one whole day to paint the scratch and then dry it etc. I even talked to the service manager out there all he gave me was the email id and told me to give my feedback over there. All along the way nobody felt the need to apologize and behaved as if they are doing me a great favor by painting the scratch which they had themselves created. In addition this has caused unnecessary trouble for me to take my car to the dealer again for removing the scratch.(And going by my current experience I am sure that i will get a couple of new scratches in addition to the customary dirtying of seats/interiors).
Though I am really Happy with the performance of the Honda City car, but the poor servicing by Ring Road Honda (Sugoi Motors), Moti Nagar, New Delhi is really leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I was a proud owner of Maruti cars for more than 12 years and had never faced any such problem. So all you people out there just keep this experience in mind before taking your car for service to Ring Road Honda (Sugoi Motors), Moti Nagar, New Delhi
Update June 20th 2008
Thanks Ring Road Honda (Sugoi Motors), Moti Nagar PR personnel called me up and told me to come over one day for getting the scratch cleaned. When asked about who will pay for my commute to and fro to the service station they said as per the policy they are not liable for paying any reimbursement (I guess as per the policy they shouldnt be allowed to put any scratches on the car either ;-)). T service station being approx 10 kms from my home. This means extra expense for me commuting up and down there in addition to being one whole day of the weekend withotu my car. Thanks Ring Road Honda (Sugoi Motors), Moti Nagar, New Delhi.